Gay pride shirts fo sale

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One opponent of the Trump Administration tweeted “This is probably the stupidest, most hypocritical, most ridiculous thing I have seen today.” Gay activists expressed outrage in the last few days that the Trump campaign would welcome LGBTQ support while taking policy steps they reject. “Show your pride and your support for Trump with this exclusive equality tee,” declares the campaign website, hawking the shirt for $24 alongside other T-shirt designs like Veterans for Trump and Women for Trump that promote the president’s re-election campaign. Yet that’s precisely what’s happened this week with the Trump Campaign’s unveiling of the “ Trump Pride Tee,” a T-Shirt with rainbow stripes and the slogan LGBT FOR TRUMP.

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And just as unthinkable would be gay organizations denouncing that president’s embrace. As recently as a decade ago it would have been unthinkable: a Republican president celebrating gay pride with an inclusive message for LGBTQ supporters.

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